The Farm
Such diversity in this incredible region.
Penkridge Farm nestles between the spectacular Pisa Range and Lake Dunstan in the middle of Central Otago, New Zealand. Famous for hot summers, biting cold winters, and stunning scenery, historically fine wool and stone fruit dominated land use here, but more recently the ability to grow the fickle pinot noir grape has grabbed world attention.
The Farm is home to a boutique vineyard, producing pinot noir and pinot gris grapes, has a small flock of sheep and plans in place to grow olives and truffles. The arrival of rare breed ram, Monsieur Boum Boum, a miniature Old English Southdown, was the first step in a new sheep venture. This breed is perfect for grazing under the vines, as they’re not quite tall enough to reach the grapes. Being exceptionally handsome is just an added bonus.
Penkridge shares a boundary with Mahaka Katia, a Department of Conservation reserve. The Reserve is one of the best remaining examples of native saline vegetation on the Upper Clutha terraces and is home to several rare plant species. Neighbouring this important natural area emphasizes the need to farm responsibly and with minimal impact on our environment. This is a place to preserve and share.
"Nestled into this spectacular scenery, how lucky we are to have stumbled across our little pocket of land, surrounded by diversity. Some days as the light hits the mountains at the end of the day, it feels like they’re falling towards us. As our journey here unfolds, we hope we to create a place for others to sit and share with us."
Meet the People